



Children are given plenty of opportunities to be creative and express themselves. Allowing children to be creative gives them a sense of belonging and allows them to feel valued as an individual. Using their hands and fingers develops muscles needed to help develop muscles needed to learn to write and prepare for school.  

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Outdoor experiences

Children are able to access the outdoor environment every day, as well as being taken out on regular outings. Children are encouraged to run around, take part in physical games and challenges as well as learning how to take risks but keep safe. Children being critical thinkers and problem solvers is a crucial part of their learning.     



ICT can be incorporated into children's daily play and they need to have these opportunities in and around their lives. We provide opportunities for children to explore using ICT equipment as well as computers, tablets as well as full access to an interactive white board.     



There is an emerging body of research that indicates mindfulness can help children improve their abilities to pay attention, to calm down when they are upset and to make better decisions. In short, it helps with emotional regulation and cognitive focus. Mindfulness sessions are provided on a regular basis as well as staff being trained in this area.   




Cooking sessions take place once a week for children. We will be cooking a range of foods from around the world and following a variety of recipes. Little Ladybird's have introduced a special character to join in with these sessions to help make this a fun learning experience for all children.